
Thursday 15 April 2021

Basic Facts Term 1 2021

Kia ora,

This is my basic facts blog for the beginning of 2021. We had to write our level on maths. My level is stage 7. I also had to write what I am good at and need to work on. Here it is.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Handwriting Term 1 2021

Here is my handwriting sample.

I think that I am good at neat handwriting.

I need to work on developing slope.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Blake Virtual Reality

On Week 11 Monday, the Blake Foundation came to our school and brought some VR headsets along with them. They taught us why we shouldn't litter because it's bad for the ocean and the land. Using the headsets, We went under water to marine reserves like Goat Island. We also went to unprotected places where the rocks were covered in kina and they had eaten all the Seaweed. And our teacher made us a task about our experience. Here is my work.


 For Term 1 2021 for swimming we had some lessons from the Swim Safe people about water safety. Here are me and my friends doing a huddle.


Charlotte's Web Task

Kia ora,

During Week 10 we had a class reading task to create a Charlotte's Web book cover. 

Here is my work.

Monday 12 April 2021

Cicada Life-cyle

We have coded our own unplugged program of the five stages of the cicada lifecycle. We have included some obstacles too.  The goal is to be able to have someone follow our codes to navigate our lifecycle by getting from stage 1 to stage 5 and avoiding the obstacles.  Here are some examples of our coded lifecycles.


Kia ora

This writing task was about a language experience. Our teachers brought different kinds of chocolate to school and we got to eat it! We tried white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel chocolate and pink chocolate. We could write about it in any way we liked but our teachers hoped we would use lots of describing language and our senses.

Reading Week 10 Term 1 2021 Sapphire and Ruby

 This week for reading we read an extract from Charlie and the chocolate factory. It described Willie Wonka. Then we had to answer some questions and find the language that described his clothes . Here is my work.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Cicada Poem

Kai ora,

This writing task was about looking at a haiku poem which begins with an adverb and seeing if we could recognise its syllable structure and spot the other language features in it. Then we had two choices. We could either use the poem as a template to write our own  poem of any style with lots of adverbs OR we could rewrite the poem as a haiku by changing a few words here and there and making sure we used some more adverbs. Here is my work: